NETS  North East Trailer Sailors


Holiday Party,  Saturday, Dec 8, 2007

Home of Pam and Bruce Foshay, Bedford, NH


At least 45  members present(not all signed sign-in sheet) these are from memory

Millie and Paul Seeberg of ‘Mildred Rose”           

Karen and Al Hill of “Karamal

Ed Goodhue    of “Dophin                           

Tony DiStefano of “The Beep”                   

Bill and Jeannie Brock of “Zussamen       

Jack & Rani Chadowitz of “Zemer Hayam

Barbara Garland of “Whale”


Terry and John O’Conner of ’93 Classic     

Ken Levitt of “Try Oomph”

Bart and Roseanne Carr of “Rosebud”

Rich and Lynn Clough of “Sealuff

Dan and Linda Lacey of “ Spice

Doug Walker and Andrea Polizos of “Gypsy Moon”

Bill and Siobhan Baines of “Mental Floss”

Deb, Ed, Niki, and Kesli Kruzel of “Las Chicas

Steve, Karen, and Tabitha Silvia of “Puddlehopper

Don Huff of “Off the List”

Bob Chase of “Change of Heart”

Chuck and Paula Crosbie of “Wave Walker



I.                   Meeting called to order 3:15. by Commodore Jack Chadowitz.


II.                Commodore’s Comments:  Thanks to Bruce and Pam for their hosting the Holiday Party again this year, making it the tenth year in a row!


III.             Review of Previous minutes


Waived the reading of October’s minutes, moved by Tony DiStefano, passed by acclimation.



IV.              Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Tony DiStefano:


As of today, we have $1792. Still have  burgees and bumper stickers. We need to create new bumper stickers.

We have 123 members. New membership begins Nov 1st, 2007. Members my pay the still standing membership fee of $10 after the meeting.

Would Karen Hill please pass her receipts on to Tony for reimbursement.



John O’Conner  moved to accept the Treasurers’ report ; approved  by acclimation.


V.                 Old Business: Jack:

                        We still have Good Old Boat magazines for the membership , here at the party. Please help yourselves. The remainder will be taken to a local yacht club.


Presentation by Barbara Garland to Pam and Bruce of check from the group as a thank you for the ten years’ of hosting the Holiday Party.



VI.              New Business:


 Tickets for Jan 2008 boat show in Boston available here at the party from Rani Chadowitz, $9 a piece instead of $13. NETS meeting will be Jan 13 for the boat show.



VII.           Election of Officers:

Maximum of one member at large for each 30 members. We can have one more.


All those nominated at the October meeting were elected en masse and accepted by acclimation, and they were:


Commodore: Jack Chadowitz

Vice Commodore: Al Hill

Rear Commodore: Harry Sechman

Treasurer: Tony DiStefano

Secretary: Nancy Sechman

Cruise Captain: Karen Hill

Webmasters: Paul Seeberg, and Barbara Garland

Assistant Webmaster and Mother Hen: Barbara Garland

Members at Large: Ken Levitt, Dan Lacey, Dan Dobbins

Member at Large nominated at the meeting by Jack: Barbara Garland:

Tony seconded, accepted by group .



VIII.        Other business:

Ken Levitt: Recommend that the club purchase a tongue scale. Cost of $125 and Ken volunteers to purchase it. Recommended that it be brought to each rendezvous, not just Allen Harbor. Barbara moves that it be bought , Jack seconded.


Richard: We’re not responsible and need a document which absolves the club of any liability or responsibility, which each member or user of scale signs.

Bruce will check if we have such a document on file.


Jack: we’re not liable for any advice anyone gives, it’s the responsibility of each sailor to decide for him/herself.


Tony: If strangers want to use it, just become a member for $10 and it’s free.


Bill: has a friend who is an attorney, Bill will ask him for help.


Jack: Motion to buying the scale is provisional, subject to working out the legal aspects. Move to add to the by laws and update them.


Bob Chase: need a document to sign when you pay your dues; dues receipt should state we’re not responsible.


Tony proposed: buying the scale is provisional, subject to working out the legal aspects. Rani seconded. Passed by acclimation.


Barbara: Email from Frank Gibney saying hello; Penobscott Bay rendezvous mid to end of August.

Jack: We’ll discuss rendezvous schedule at Jan 13 meeting.


Upcoming meeting schedule:



Jan 13, 2003                           Meeting at Savin Hill Yacht Club; Boston Boat Show


Paul : passed out business cards of NETS, mentioned our being hosted by  (Macgregor boat sellers) at the Boat Show and if anyone wants to volunteer time to be there.



Tony moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:05pm, seconded by Karen ,and it was accepted by acclimation.


Minutes respectfully submitted by, Rani Chadowitz standing in for Nancy Sechman








